Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What is Right For Your Balding Head

If you are losing your hair and nothing else that you try ever seems to work, what you need is hair replacement. This is a surgical procedure that does just that it replaces your hair by transplantation. As a matter of fact, people from other regions prefer to call it just that hair transplantation. When considering hair replacement surgery, you cannot be too careful. Already you do not need to have it done by a half baked operating surgeon who cares more about the next meal than about learning that they do a good job.

And so you can do quite a bit of work looking around until you find the right operating surgeon with the right touch, and the right experience. Due diligence is totally in order when looking for somebody to help out with a hair replacement surgery. This is one thing that you cannot be too trivial with, considering that it is dealing with something you are rather sensitive about, your hair.

When you have some hairs left on the top of your head, with a lot more at the back of your head, you are what I call a very lucky individual. You see, good as hair replacement surgery is, every operation has their strong and weak points. With this new operation, the limitation is other hairs. When there aren't those to work with, the surgery will not be possible. Doctors need hairs on other sections of your body to use. The ratio of the fullness of your hair to that of the hair that is required goes a long way to help determine how your hair replacement operation would be carried out.

Admittedly, this is a hard concept to reach, but it is just as well that you have access to the internet. You can research online for sharper definitions, or better still, you can speak with a operating surgeon about it. You know all of those operations in which they put a tube in your mouth and pump in some gas to knock you out cold while someone else helps you to breathe with a pumping machine? Sure you do. But hair replacement surgery is a lot different than that. In this operation they can carry out the operation while you are wide awake!

Its called a local anesthesia the type that puts part of your body to slumber whereas the rest of you is awake. You can always allow yourself to relax when you think about surgical procedures. It is held that a lot of people have lost their lives during operations, especially with sloppy and less than qualified surgeons. However hair replacement is supervised such that you can have your eyeballs wide open while it goes on, and if something spooks you, you can speak up right away.


Dragonfly said...

great blog&very useful info here friend...